My Info

Frank Hagan Profile Photo

Frank Hagan


Davie Office
Davie, FL 33328
(954) 434-0700
If you are a seller...

        * Your home will be marketed, not just listed!

        * Your home will be marketed as part of my innovative ..Every day until it's sold.. Program 

If you are a buyer...

         * you can be assured that we will be exposed to all the homes in the area that are in your price range and meet your needs.

          * You will have representation from the first time you see your new home, through the negotiations, the escrow process, close and after. 


Recent Sales (3)

: 2
: 2 Total
: 1,692
: 2
: 2 Total
: 920
: 2
: 3 Total
: 1,060

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